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How To Clean Bird Droppings from Wood

Bird droppings harden and adhere to surfaces in such a way that removing them can potentially cause substantial damage. They are also highly acidic, and allowing them to set for extended periods of time should be avoided. To help prevent accidental inhalation of airborne dropping residue that could lead to sickness, clean up and dispose of droppings while wet, or, if droppings have already dried, thoroughly wet them with water before disturbing through cleaning processes. Keep in mind that wood types and surface finishes can vary widely so even the simplest methods should be tested prior to use in a wider area.

Protective gear, such as full-coverage clothing, gloves and a ventilation mask, is recommended, as is the use of disposable or easily disinfected tools, rags and cloths. High volumes of droppings and droppings that have built up over an extended period of time may require the assistance of a licensed professional for safe removal.

For droppings that are still wet, thoroughly wet a paper towel or rag, and remove and dispose of the wet material. Flush the area with water, at low pressure, and use an all-purpose cleaner to remove residue. For droppings that have dried, saturate the area with water on low pressure (to avoid contaminated back-fire) until the droppings have softened. Scrape them into a pile, and transfer the pile directly to a garbage bag for disposal. Flush the area with water again at low pressure, and use an all-purpose cleaner to remove any remaining residue.

For droppings and dropping residue that resist removal with water alone, a bacterial or enzymatic cleaner specifically designed to remove bird droppings can be obtained through pet stores, marine supply, and gardening stores. These cleaners should be applied according to manufacturer's directions, and should be tested in an inconspicuous spot. Surfaces should be rinsed thoroughly to neutralize and remove any residue from both stains and stain removal products, and allowed to dry.

Caution: Never mix cleaning agents or chemicals, the result can be dangerous or deadly. Before cleaning, always test the agent on an inconspicuous location to determine its suitability and to make certain it does not damage the material. Wear appropriate clothing such as gloves and protective eyewear, and work in a well-ventilated area. Accidental inhalation or ingestion of cleaning agents can be hazardous and even fatal, particularly to pets and children.

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